The DIY Faux Ceramic Vases trend has been catching my eye lately, so I had to try it out for myself! Let’s just say I am not disappointed! These vases turned out so good, I think I will be doing more to put throughout my house!
If you have any old vases laying around that you do not use, this is a perfect way to upcycle those vases! Mixing baking soda or baking powder with the paint allows the vases to have a ceramic look to them! I love the terracotta look of them!
If you would like to see how I created this super easy DIY, just keep reading!
What You Need
- Glass Vases
- Water Based Paint
- Baking Soda or Baking Powder
- Paint Brush

What To Do
1| First, you will need to make sure that your vases are clean! I had to give mine a good wash, as they were a bit dusty!
2| Next, take your paint choice and pour it onto a paper plate, bowl, or wherever you prefer.
3| Take a spoonful of baking soda or baking powder and add it to your paint. Mix until fully combined!

I tried using both baking soda and baking powder. The two did not look very different to me, however, if I were to do it again I would probably use the baking soda. The baking powder made the paint more bubbly if that makes sense! Just a personal preference!

4| Paint your vase!
5| Paint a second coat, and however many more to get the look you want!

The red vase is mixed with baking soda, while the tan is mixed with baking powder.
6| Allow the vases to dry!
7| There you have it! Beautiful DIY faux ceramic vases!

DIY Faux Ceramic Vases
I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful! These DIY faux ceramic vases turned out so good! I am in love with how they look!

Good luck with your DIY adventure!
Until next time!
ps. Be sure to check out these other DIY posts you may like!